I was still all ornery from the last time here; I let that get into my blood, and overreacted. I’ve only recently attained any internet prominence, and this was my first time experiencing hate. Despite all the mental preparations… I reacted poorly.
I prefer to own my failures, however; I fucked up three weeks ago. Anyone can see that.
As I said to another commenter—I suspect that I am better as a beacon for rationality, pointing new pilgrims to his place, than I am a member of the community.
I guess I am less attached to person-continuity than most. I generally regard two or three months forward and backward in time as the limit to calling the program run by this computational architecture “me,” shorter in the vicinity of major insights. Outside this timeframe I see it perfectly acceptable to blame “past me” and have obligations towards “future me.”
Oh, believe me, I shit the bed on this.
I was still all ornery from the last time here; I let that get into my blood, and overreacted. I’ve only recently attained any internet prominence, and this was my first time experiencing hate. Despite all the mental preparations… I reacted poorly.
I prefer to own my failures, however; I fucked up three weeks ago. Anyone can see that.
As I said to another commenter—I suspect that I am better as a beacon for rationality, pointing new pilgrims to his place, than I am a member of the community.
I guess I am less attached to person-continuity than most. I generally regard two or three months forward and backward in time as the limit to calling the program run by this computational architecture “me,” shorter in the vicinity of major insights. Outside this timeframe I see it perfectly acceptable to blame “past me” and have obligations towards “future me.”